Fantastic Muse

Your Muse for creating Songs with AI Music Generators. v0.9.01(a)

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Song Title

Song Build

Build your song structure or use templates and write your own lyrics. Use Chorus-Synchronization to automatically sync all Chorus and Hook parts in your song. When Chorus-Synchronization is activated, all Chorus and Hook elements are based on the text in the first Chorus or Hook. The numbers on the left of a line are counters. The left numbers are the words (white) and the right numbers are the syllables (gray) of the current line.


Browse the Prompts to select a music genre for your Song. If you want to submit your Prompt/s take a look at this page.

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Advanced Prompt

Advanced Prompt gives you the opportunity to describe your genre and style with more details. Advanced Prompts will automatically included when you print or copy the Song to clipboard, but you can use the "exclude Advanced Prompt" checkbox to exclude the advanced prompts.
Note that this is just an experimental feature and create output with bad results in some cases.

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